Circadian lighting boosts productivity by 18 percent

Lux Review reported in October 2017 that the property company CBRE has seen significant productivity improvements after implementing circadian lighting.

From the article:

“THE INSTALLATION of 'human-centric' lighting at the office of the property company CBRE has boosted productivity by 18 per cent, results of an experiment show.

Additionally, work accuracy improved by 12 per cent, 76 per cent of employees reported feeling happier and half felt healthier.

The 124 employees at the CBRE headquarters in Amsterdam were then surveyed over seven months, with more than 100,000 data records analysed.

The findings – by scientists from the Twente University, The Free University Amsterdam – will be seized on by the lighting industry as long-awaited hard evidence that investment in dynamic lighting gives a tangible return.”

Following on the report by Lux Review, CBRE published their own analysis of how circadian lighting has impacted their business in a 24 page case study: The Snowball Effect of Health Offices.

OfficeDayton Segard